Wednesday, February 24, 2010

So sharks have these sensing organs(electroreceptors) called Ampullae of Lorenzini which detect the presence of other fish around them due to the fields created from electrical impulses. This video shows how a strong magnetic field can deter sharks and prevent bites. Other animals have it too besides the shark. kind of interesting how sensitive these receptors are. according to the wikipedia page, they are sensitive enough to detect 5nV/cm fields.


ninatandon said...

immobilized or not, you couldn't pay me enough to hold a shark like that! even if it is a baby!

My Exit Row said...
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My Exit Row said...

Hello! My name is Carla, a friend of Dr. Tandon. Thought you would like to check out this site, which sells a device that creates an electromagnetic field around a surfer or diver to protect them from potential shark attacks. As you might imagine, it is most popular in Australia.